Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Boyden Close, Nunnery Green, Wickhambrook, Suffolk, CB8 8XU

Tel: 01440 820140

Contact Details


The surgery’s phone lines are open between 8:30am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday. If you wish to speak to your doctor on the phone please give your details to the receptionist. Your doctor will call you back, usually after morning surgery or before afternoon surgery. In an emergency the call will be put through to the duty doctor immediately. It is helpful to the doctor if you are prepared to provide the Receptionist with brief details of the reason for your call. If you wish to send any information to your GP by e-mail please direct it to: Please note that urgent matters should not be dealt with by e-mail - please phone the surgery if you need to contact a doctor quickly.

If you have a critical medical condition, you should call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

After 6:30pm and before 8:00am, Monday to Friday, weekends and public holidays when you call the surgery, your calls during these hours will be redirected to Care UK, who have been commissioned to provide out-of-hours' services.

If you have a non-critical medical condition, you should telephone NHS111 on 111.

NHS111 is the three-digit telephone service that has been introduced to improve access to NHS urgent care services. Patients can use this number when they need medical help or advice and it is not urgent enough to call 999. NHS 111 operates a 24-hour nurse advice and health information service, providing confidential information on:

  • What to do if you or your family are feeling ill
  • Particular health conditions
  • Local healthcare services, such as doctors, dentists or late-night opening pharmacies
  • Self-help and support organisations
  • Dial 111 from any phone

You can also obtain 24-hour general medical advice by telephoning NHS 111 or by visiting the NHS 111 website.


If you cannot access the internet and need to contact the NHS coronavirus testing service dial 119 from any phone.